Getting good food to the plate of consumers takes the skill and effort of many. From the farm to the fork there are experts throughout that need each other to work.
Making the very best food means that communication about our customers’ needs, effective pricing and best-in-class manufacturing techniques have to hit the mark. Of course, no one individual can make all of this happen.
When it comes to logistics, there are many details to cover off. To get the right product to the right customer at the right time, drivers, warehouse staff and dispatchers must work closely together and communicate often and effectively. This is a game of flexibility and agility – making changes and decisions quickly. There are no two identical orders, so the team has to look at each unique one carefully and take care of any details that need addressing. In the end, we want our customers to only see seamless perfection.
It’s about understanding your customer and their business and relaying that to the rest of the team. It’s anticipating a customer’s needs, acting quickly and troubleshooting so the rest of the team looks like a well-oiled machine. Meeting expectations and exceeding them is what develops loyal customers, and nothing beats a team that looks like they have everything under control.
What have we learned at Dolan Foods about teamwork? The more we understand each other’s work, the easier it is for all of us to achieve excellence in what we do. When we perform well, our customers have greater confidence in our service and our products.
We’ve made great headway in fostering a culture of cooperation and respect. By nurturing and enhancing teamwork, we’re making sure the journey from farm to plate is a seamless and enjoyable one for our team, our suppliers, our customers and most importantly, the consumer.
“Teamwork is really important for me,” says Muskaan Sehgal, Logistics Coordinator, Dolan Foods. “Everyone needs to step in; everyone inputs into all the orders. We all come together to get it done.”